Sunday, February 12, 2017

TOW #18: "We Accept"

Airbnb released a commercial for the Super Bowl that came just days after Trump proposed a travel ban on Muslim countries, making it a timely and representative advertisement of the company's beliefs and policies regarding refugees. They have a commitment to provide short-term housing for over 100,000 refugees, aid workers, and victims of natural disasters, and have committed to donate $4 million to the International Rescue Committee, which helps displaced people around the world. The ad read "We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept." This message was portrayed across faces of members of diverse groups of people, highlighting the company's dedication and commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

The spot lasted only 30 seconds, but within that time Airbnb was able to effectively utilize visual rhetorical elements. The framing of the portraits of the individuals began with the eyes, gradually zooming out to feature other parts and eventually the full face. This small decision makes a big difference on the way the commercial is perceived. Basic features like eyes are largely the same across nationalities, religions, and races of people. Connecting the audience to this fundamental aspect of being human helps introduce the next layer of the argument: even with our similarities, we are different in where we are form, who we worship, and who we love.

The framing and way the camera gradually zooms out on the faces of the subjects makes the argument come full-circle, connecting back to the fact that even though we have differences, we are all human. The progression of the video in time to the music gradually gets faster, fading out to a screen with the Airbnb logo on it, proclaiming the hashtag "#weaccept". Rhetorically, the visual components like framing, choosing diverse subjects, and adding contemplative music all combine to create a lasting impression with the audience: one of equality and justice for all people, despite the contested political atmosphere surrounding such topics. The advertisement was, in my opinion, timely, and served to connect viewers with current political messages without being divisive.

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